Renew Verify Enforcement Filing a complaint FAQs

The death of a loved one is undoubtedly the most traumatic experience any of us will ever encounter. By asking the right questions, comparing prices and services, and making informed decisions, you can make arrangements that are meaningful to your family and control the costs for yourself and your survivors.

Go paperless, CFB Connect has applications available online!

Exciting News: Introducing our Strategic Plan 2024–2028

We are excited to share our new Strategic Plan with you, a roadmap designed to guide our Bureau towards greater impact and growth in the coming years.

This plan highlights the areas that were identified by the environmental scan prepared by the California Department of Consumer Affairs' (DCA) SOLID Planning Solutions for the Bureau to improve its processes, continue business modernization efforts, and focus on outreach opportunities.

This robust Strategic Plan reflects our dedicates staff and stakeholders' partners commitment to protect California's consumers.

To explore the full plan, click here.

Fee Schedule:
The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau Fee Schedule may be found here.

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