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The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau  licenses, regulates, and investigates complaints against:
  • Private and Fraternal Cemeteries and Cemetery Managers
  • Crematories and Crematory Managers
  • Cemetery Brokers and Cemetery Salespersons
  • Cremated Remains Disposers
  • Hydrolysis Facilities
  • Funeral Establishments and Funeral Directors
  • Embalmers and Apprentice Embalmers

Use the automated system to look up a licensee

The Bureau does not license cemeteries operated by religious organizations; cities, counties, or cemetery districts; the military; Native American tribal organizations; or other groups. If you don't know who regulates the cemetery you're working with, ask the cemetery manager.

There are three ways that you can file a complaint with the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau:

  1. Complete our online complaint form, which is the most efficient way to submit a complaint.
  2. Download (print) and complete a complaint form and email or mail it to the Bureau.
  3. Call the Consumer Information Center at 1-800-952-5210 and they will mail you a complaint form to complete and email or mail to the Bureau.

Email: emailCFB@dca.ca.gov
Address: Cemetery and Funeral Bureau
1625 N Market Blvd, S208
Sacramento, CA 95834

Filing a complaint:

  1. Fill out the complaint form as completely as possible.
  2. The downloaded form can be filled out online and saved and or printed for emailing or mailing to the Bureau. Position and click your mouse in the box you wish to enter information. The tab key can be used to jump from box to box. For those boxes needing a checkmark, position and click the mouse in the box. When you are finished entering information into the form, it's ready to be saved and/or printed.

  3. Email it to emailCFB@dca.ca.gov or mail it to the address on the top of the form.
  4. Once your complaint is received, allow up to 14 days for a response.
  5. Should you want to inquire regarding the status of your complaint, business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time.

The Bureau will not return any documents you submit with this complaint, back to you. Nor will the Bureau make copies of your originally submitted document(s) to return to you for your records. Please make any copies you may need of the documents before submission to the Bureau.

Notice On Collection of Personal Information (Consumers)