Live Scan is Easy to Use
Simply follow these steps:
Complete the Request for Live Scan Service Form (BCIA 8016) and go to the nearest Live Scan facility to have your fingerprints rolled and submitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Pay the Live Scan operator $49.00 ($32.00 DOJ fingerprint processing fee and $17.00 FBI fingerprint processing fee) plus the Live Scan service fee charged by the Live Scan operator. Please note that the Live Scan service fee varies by location and the Bureau does not set the price.
Submit the following to the Bureau:
- A completed application form, (including any required supporting documents) and the application fee for the license, registration or certificate you are applying for.
- Include the second copy of the Live Scan Form (BCIA 8016) received from the Live Scan site. Please be sure that the Live Scan operator completes the bottom portion of the form, including the ATI number.
The ATI number is used to track the submission of your Live Scan Request at the DOJ. If the Bureau is notified that your fingerprints are not legible and need to be resubmitted, you will be asked to repeat the Live Scan process. Fingerprints that are rejected can only be resubmitted without a DOJ and FBI processing fee if the ATI number is included on your resubmission. Some sites may charge a service fee for the rolling of your prints.
You should keep a copy of your completed Live Scan Request Form, with the ATI number for your records. This number allows the Bureau to verify that background information remains on file and subsequent arrest information will be provided.
Live Scan Service Form & Instructions
The Request for Live Scan Service Form and instructions can be downloaded from the Bureau's Web site on our Live Scan page entitled "Live Scan Form & Instructions" or by contacting the Bureau. All required information must be included on this form. Please complete the form according to the instructions. Failure to enter all the information correctly may result in your request for Live Scan service being rejected.
Advantages of Live Scan
Incorrect job titles such as employee, sales, family counselor, cemetery, pre need counselor, planning consultant, etc., into the "Job Title or Type of License Certification or Permit" field will delay the processing of your application. The Bureau relies on the correct information to match your background response to the appropriate application type.